Kevin O'Rourke Productions - Clients

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Testimonial 1


Testimonial 2


Testimonial 3


Testimonial 4


Testimonial 5


There is a consistent theme that runs through a Kevin O'Rourke Production. Our productions come in, on time and on budget.

There are three key elements to all our productions and programs.

The first element is that a production or program must be entertaining to engage and hold an audience's attention.

The second element is that while being entertain it needs to educate and inform it's audience.

Finally, there must be an economic payoff. Whether it is securing advertising or sponsorship dollars for the production. It might be the outright sale of the program or motivating an audience's course of action that ultimately has economic benefit to the production's client.

A Kevin O’Rourke Productions will reach your audience, hold their attention and deliver your message. This is how we measure success.




Broadcast & Video
Educational & Instructional
What Our Clients Say

Kevin O'Rourke Productions, Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved